SEICAP MADRID 2014 - page 385

XXXVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Inmunología Clínica, Alergología y Asma Pediátrica
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Sicherer S. Oral food challenges
for diagnosis and Management of
food allergies. En: Uptodate. Wood
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tado el 17 de marzo del 2014)
Shreffler WG. Microarrayed recom-
binant allergens for diagnostic tes-
ting. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;
Bindslev-Jensen C, Ballmer-Weber
BK, Bengtsson U, et al. Standardi-
zation of food challenges in patients
with immediate reactions to foods—
position paper from the European
Academy of Allergology and Clinical
Immunology. Allergy 2004; 59:690.
Beyer K, Teuber SS. Food allergy
diagnostics: scientific and unproven
procedures. Curr Opin Allergy Clin
Immunol 2005; 5:261.
Diaz C, Carvajal I,Torregrosa MJ,
Cano A, Barahona A, Praena M.
Evaluation of ImmunoCAP™ Pha-
diatop® Infant for the detection of
allergic sensitization in 0- 5 year-old
children presenting wheezing and/
or eczema. Proceedings of the XXVI
EAACI Congress, 2007 Goteborg
9-13 de junio de 2007.
Torregrosa MJ, Diaz C, Carvajal I,
Cano A, Barahona A, Fos-Escriva E.
Evaluation of ImmunoCAP™ Rapid
Wheeze-Rhinitis Child in the iden-
tification of allergy in children with
recurrent episodes of wheezing.
Proceedings of the XXVI EAACI
Congress, 2007 Goteborg.
Tratado de Alergología pediátrica.
2ª edición 2011. M.A. Martin Mateos.
2009. Ed. Egorn.
Nolte H, Koeal K, DuBuske L. Over-
view of skin testing for allergic disea-
se. En UpToDate: Bochenr b., Wood
R. (ed), UpToDate. FeldwegAM. Con-
sultado el 17 de marzo en 2014.
Nolte H, Kowal K, DuBuske L. Over-
view inVitro test. En Uptodate : Boch-
ner B (Ed), UpToDate, FeldwegA, MA.
(Consultado el 17 de marzo de 2014).
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