SEICAP MADRID 2014 - page 132

Inmunoterapia oral con alimentos
Thyagarajan A, Jones SM, Calatroni
A, Pons L, Kulis M, Woo CS, et al.
Evidence of pathway-specific ba-
sophil anergy induced by peanut
oral immunotherapy in peanut-
allergic children. Clin Exp Allergy
Vickery BP, Pons L, Kulis M, Steele P,
Jones SM, Burks AW. Individualized
IgE based dosing of egg oral immu-
notherapy and the development of
tolerance. Ann Allergy Asthma Im-
munol 2010;105:444-50.
Vickery B, Scurlock AM, Kulis M,
Steele PH, Kamilaris J, Berglund JP,
et al. Sustained unresponsiveness
in subjects completing peanut oral
immunotherapy. J Allergy Clin Im-
munol 2014;133:468-75.
Nadeau KC, Schneider LC, Hoyte
L, Borras I, Umetsu DT. Rapid oral
desensitization in combination with
omalizumab therapy in patients
with cow’s milk allergy. J Allergy
Clin Immunol 2011;127:1622-4.
Schneider LC, Rachid R, Lebovidge
J, Blood E, Mittal M, Umetsu DT. A
pilot study of omalizumab to facilita-
te rapid oral desensitization in high-
risk peanutallergic patients. J Aller-
gy Clin Immunol 2013;132:1368-74.
Keet CA, Frischmeyer-Guerrerio PA,
Thyagarajan A, Schroeder JT, Hamil-
ton RG, Boden S, et al.The safety and
efficacy of sublingual and oral immu-
notherapy for milk allergy. J Allergy
Clin Immunol 2012;129:448-55
Dello Iacono I, Tripodi S, Calvani M,
Panetta V, Verga MC, Miceli Sopo
S. Specific oral tolerance induction
with raw hen’s egg in children with
very severe egg allergy: a randomi-
zed controlled trial. Pediatr Allergy
Immunol. 2013 ;24:66-74.
Meglio P, Giampietro PG, Carello
R, Gabriele I, Avitabile S, Galli E.
Oral food desensitization in chil-
dren with IgE-mediated hen’s egg
allergy: a new protocol with raw
hen’s egg. Pediatr Allergy Immunol.
Burks AW, Jones SM, Wood RA,
Fleischer DM, Sicherer SH, Lind-
blad RW, et al; Consortium of Food
Allergy Research (CoFAR). Oral im-
munotherapy for treatment of egg
allergy in children. N Engl J Med.
2012 ;367:233-43.
Martorell A, De la Hoz B, Ibañez MD,
Bone J, Terrados MS, Michavila A,
et al. Oral desensitization as a use-
ful treatment in 2-year-old children
with cow’s milk allergy. Clin Exp
Allergy 2011;41:1297-304.
Vickery BP, Scurlock AM, Jones SM,
Burks AW. Mechanisms of immune
tolerance relevant to food allergy. J
Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;127:576-86.
Vickery BP, Lin J, Kulis M, Fu Z, Ste-
ele PH, Jones SM, et al. Peanut oral
immunotherapy modifies IgE and
IgG4 responses to major peanut
allergens. J Allergy Clin Immunol
2013;131:128-34, e1-3.
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